A list of contacts for each town hosting the trail in CT, whether to inquire about obtaining permission to hold an event on the trail, or to report an issue.

Avon Bruce Williams 860-673-6151 bwilliams@avonct.gov
Avon Ruth Checko, Dir, Rec & Parks 860-409-4332
Burlington Scott Tharau 860-673-6789 stharau@yahoo.com, tharau.s@burlingtonct.us
Canton Robert Martin 860-693-7863 rmartin@townofcantonct.org
Cheshire John Gawlak, Dir., Parks & Rec 203-272-2743 jgawlak@cheshirect.org
Daniel J. Bombero, Jr., Dir., Public Works 203-271-6650 dbombero@cheshirect.org
East Granby Edward Hubbard 860-653-6822 info@egtownhall.com
Farmington James Ruzbasan 860-675-2330 ruzbasanj@farmington-ct.org
Granby Kirk A. Severance 860-653-8960 kseverance@granby-ct.gov
Hamden Mimsie Coleman, Rec. Department 203-287-2579 dkops@hamden.com
Daniel Kops, Jr., Town Planner 203-287-7070
New Haven
Parks & Public Works Dept
SeeClickFix (website)
Plainville Public Works Director 860-793-0221, ext. 209 https://www.plainvillect.com/people/mike-ferrara
Simsbury Tom Tyburski 860-408-4682 ttyburski@simsbury-ct.gov
Southington Annette S. Ellis, Engineering Dept 860-276-6231
Town Clerk 860-276-6211 https://www.southington.org/
Suffield Peter Leclerc 860-668-3862 x3322 recreation@suffieldct.gov