Members of the public are invited to
State Project No. 109-176 Phase 2 of Farmington Canal Heritage Trail (Route 72 to Northwest Drive)
Town of Plainville (Town)
July 20, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
Register: 0109-0176 Plainville (
YouTube Livestream:
A Question & Answer session will immediately follow the presentation.
The purpose of this meeting is to provide the community an opportunity to learn about the proposed project and allow an open discussion of any views and comments concerning the proposed improvements.
The purpose of the project is to construct a multi-use trail known as the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail (FCHT) through the Town of Plainville to close a 5-mile gap in the Connecticut section of trail. The Connecticut share of the FCHT consists of a 54-mile section connecting New Haven through Suffield, terminating at the Massachusetts border. The entirety of the Connecticut trail section is either complete, in construction, or approaching final design, excluding the remaining 5-mile gap in the Town of Plainville. The 5-mile gap is proposed to be closed in three (3) project phases. Phase 2 includes construction of two (2) miles of multi-use trail between Route 72 and Northwest Drive.
There are right-of-way impacts associated with the proposed improvements. Construction will require twelve (12) partial property acquisitions on both Town-owned and private properties. All acquired property will be transferred to the Town upon project completion and following a Property Letter with Acceptance.
Construction is anticipated to begin in Fall 2025, based on the availability of funding, acquisition of rights of way, and approval of permit(s). The estimated construction cost for this project is approximately $15.5 million. This project is anticipated to be undertaken with eighty percent (80%) Federal funds and twenty percent (20%) State funds.
Please register for the Virtual Public Information Meeting at 0109-0176 Plainville ( Registration is required to participate.
Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to access the meeting.
Members of the public may submit comments and questions during the two-week public comment period following the meeting. Please direct comments and questions by August 4, 2023 to: or (860) 594-2020, or to Mr. Scott Bushee, Project Manager, at; (860) 594-2079. Please reference State Project No. 109-176 in your email or voicemail.
This meeting will also be livestreamed on YouTube and closed captioning will be available. Non-English translation options will be available on Zoom and YouTube. The recording will also be available on CTDOT’s YouTube Virtual Public Information Meeting playlist:
Persons with limited internet access may use the call-in number (877) 853-5257 and enter Meeting ID 880 4467 8717. Persons with limited internet access may also request that project information be mailed to them within one week by contacting Mr. William Hogan at or (860) 594-2575.
Persons with hearing and/or speech disabilities may dial 711 for Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS). Language assistance may be requested by contacting CTDOT’s Language Assistance Call Line (860) 594-2109. Requests should be made at least five business days prior to the meeting. Language assistance is provided at no cost to the public and efforts will be made to respond to timely requests for assistance.
The Town of Plainville has arranged for a virtual viewing opportunity of the meeting at the Plainville Public Library, or the meeting can be joined remotely on Zoom by individuals at their desired location.